Eva Meier


Q. Why do you teach music?

Why is it important to learn an instrument?

“Instruments are like a new language, a way to represent and express yourself. It can lead you down paths in life you would never expect, and teach valuable lessons like patience and learning to set goals to strive towards as you practice more and grow on your chosen instrument. I believe music to be one of the most universal languages in the whole world!”

“Hello, I’m Eva! I’m currently in 3rd year university for music at York University, and have found a passion for teaching, with most experience teaching Suzuki piano. I have been playing piano for 16 years, having started out with Suzuki, and am now on RCM level 10, hoping to complete my RCM and teach all types of piano. It’s very important to me that every student finds joy in playing and making music, and my goal is to help make that happen. My favourite composers are Chopin and Debussy!


Alison Haines


Chiki Ogawa